The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

I have been blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ by having a lovely wife and two wonderful daughters. God, Country, and Family is what it is all about. Serving each in the right proportions is essential for a well balanced and fulfilled life. Both my wife Mary and I have our own businesses that we work out of our home, which gives us the freedom to do many things we could not do when chained to the corporate world. Although we loved our corporate jobs we were both ready to do something different and begin bringing a balance to our lives. We also have two condo rentals as a side business, one being on the beautiful island of Roatan, off the coast of Honduras. We both love the Caribbean and snorkeling. I loved Penn State and received an excellent in education that helped to launch my career. I was able to get in on the ground floor of the computer department, because computers were just becoming essential in those days. I loved the football games and playing basketball on the freshman team. I did not like walking across the Tundra (East Halls Parking Lot) to get to my 8AM classes Monday thru Saturday during the Winter Term. How dumb was that, scheduling early morning classes during the winter. Go Penn State!